Monday, 11 March 2013

Counting Numbers

Counting Numbers

This game I made up in class one day (but it probably already existed) and slowly developed over time with the students. Remember with all activities and games they are only as fun as you make them.

This game is really simple. it uses the same idea as the frog where students take turns in order to say the correct word. But it's much easier. all the students have to do is count! 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 etc. Then I add a multiple lets say 7. so now on 7,14,21,28 they can't say that number. They have to say a word from their vocab list, or a word starting with A, or however you would like to expand the game. If a student gets the number wrong, says a word at the wrong time, takes to long or get the word wrong they sit down and the game starts again from 1. 

Again it's how you play these games that make them enjoyable for the students. One thing I like to do as my students get better at this game is stop playing it in a predictable order. I often say the person that I point to has to say the next number. And then throw them off by looking at different students to the ones I am pointing at.

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