I will describe 1 simple version of the game and leave it to you to modify to fit into your classes needs and level.
You can play this game in teams with older students or just have 2 students come to the front if they are kindergarten grades. Have your flash card on the board or floor for the little ones and say one of the words. The 2 students have to race to the front and "swat" the correct flash card. So simple. Again modify to fit your personality and be creative with the game. You don't have to use fly swatters. Earlier in the year I was playing this with angry birds and the students had to throw the angry bird at the correct word and another student would throw it back if they missed. The first team to hit the correct flash card got the points.
Again, I can't stress this enough, this is an outline of a game. Where you take these ideas is one of the things that will define you as a teacher. Be creative! Be adaptive! Be enthusiastic! Be child like!
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